Friday, November 30, 2012

Good Exercises For Fast Twitch Training

Fast Twitch Training

Fast Twitch Muscle Fibers Exercises
There are a lot of searches online for fast twitch training or fast twitch muscle exercises with many athletes looking for ways to get faster and stronger. All the top athletes are aware that developing and enhancing your fast twitch muscle fibers with targeted type of training can improve your speed, strength, power and moving. Also result in better anticipation time and increase in jump.

We are going to discuss a few exercises that many trainers and coaches recommend when starting out with fast twitch training. They are classic exercises that you see many doing in the gym but with little effect. But these exercises consist of the base movements to develop your speed and strength.

These 3 simple exercises can be safely included into your regular workout routine because they mainly variations of the same movements we are accustomed to.

3 Basic Fast Twitch Exercises

Jump Squats

This should be the first workout to append to your regular regime and jump squats help improve rebounding. Get into a squat position and jump up. Try get as high as you can and come back down to the squat position. Do 10 jump squats and measure your height level so that it can be the marker for your next workout.

Wall Jump

This exercise is used mostly by Football wide receivers and basketball players. It focuses on single leg form and building power. Great for turning. Start off by facing a wall, then take 3 steps backwards. Take 2 steps towards the wall and on the 3rd step, jump up as high as you can really reach as far as you can. Do 10 jumps for each leg.

Fast Heavy Squats

Squats help build strength in muscle fibers and improve balance and core. You are basically going to be to speed squats. Make your upward movement as fast as you can. Do this 10 times.

A great tip when doing the jumping portion of these exercises is to use colored chalk powder on your fingers so that you can easily mark the height you are reaching. All these exercises will improve your jumping ability and overall vertical lift while developing leg power. Include some by using a weighted vest or ankle weights.

Get out there, train with fast twitch muscle exercises and get faster.