Monday, April 29, 2013

Examples of Suspension Exercises To Try

Getting the best out of your workout is great but when you start hitting a brick wall and cannot seem to get past that plateau, your results will start to stutter with no further progress.

Your body and muscles get so used to the same routine that it does take any pounding that you give it and you will not go beyond your current muscle growth.

We normally go to the gym with a set routine and will be at it for weeks on end then realizing or wondering why the heck this workout is not doing anything for you anymore. A slight change in your workout can make a world of difference to how your muscles react and this is generally called muscle confusion.

You need to make your muscles think its a whole new workout and thus they will start reacting to the new stimulus. A good rule of thumb is to work on a set routine for 3 weeks and then change up the days or even better change your exercise sets for another 3 week. Then go back to your original routine and continue like this.

Now if you really wan to get the most out of your workout, then you try something that is completely different to what you are used to. If you really want to continuously work your muscles, then you should try Suspension Exercises and get yourself the Suspension Revolution workout program.

Examples of Suspension Workouts:
  • High Back Extension
  • Hip Drop
  • Reverse Crunch
  • Side Plank with Double Knee Tucks
  • Pendulums
  • Prone Bicycles
  • Body Saw
  • Suspension Plank with body saw
  • Suspended Lunge Jumps
Check out this page for more examples: These are just a few to name. They might sound intimidating but very easy to get into. The best thing about training suspension is that you do not need any fancy equipment that costs hundreds of dollars.

You need is suspension training straps and a place to hook them. A great place is a tree in your local park. You are outside and getting a great workout. You can check out a video here on how you can make your own suspension kit.

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